Saturday, April 7, 2012

Coachella recyle bin

 Coachella bin is finally all ready to go, on display tonight at LAB art gallery in Los Angeles and then off to the festival where it will be on display for both weekends.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Coachella Art bin

This Saturday my Coachella bin will be on display at LAB ART Gallery (see flyer below)
My two bins are called The Ghost of Troubled Joe
One is on a full size trash bin in which I painted on using Acrylics and the other is a small mini trash bin in which I decided to sculpt on, which you can see a teaser of in the photo above.
The event is one night only and the only time to see all of the bins in one space, then they will be off to Coachella! Where I will be during the second weekend.