"Taffy Colored Clouds" was a few weeks ago and it was a lot of fun. It was especially great because a lot of my old friends came. Unfortunately, we were all brought together again by the passing of one of my long time friends Trevon. I did a piece called "PYT (Pretty Young Tre) in honor of him, in which the profit was donated to a cause raising funds for Sickle Cell, the disease in which Trevon suffered and ultimately passed away from. To learn more about the cause click on the painting below.
Alex Chiu also put on a great show, if you didn't make it out that night you should try to go before the show comes down on Feb. 5th (Rothick Art Haus, Anaheim) He literally filled the gallery up! He had about 150 pieces, everyone was pretty blown away. He is a great dude and I am always happy to be a part of anything he does.
The Quack is fantastic.